The City Beautiful Movement in Kansas City
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The City Beautiful Movement in Kansas City
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Chapter of the book about the Union Station and its architect, Jarvis Hunt, comprehensively describing its designs and related urban planning from 1901 to 1914 at nearly the end of the City Beautiful movement in Kansas City and leading to the abandonment of the old Union Depot area by rail traffic and businesses. Description of railroad industry negotiations with city promoters and planners, including J. C. Nichols, R. A. Long, William Rockhill Nelson, George Kessler, and Jarvis Hunt, et al., including its construction on the site of the O. K. Creek sewer and other landscaping aesthetic issues in its surroundings. Description also of competition and opinions on its designs by rivals of Hunt, such as Louis Sullivan, "D. H. Burnham [or Daniel Burnham] and Co., also of Chicago, and Howe, Hoit and Cutler, a Kansas City firm," especially starting in 1906.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Wilson, William H.
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Shelf Locator
333.77 W75c
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