Charles Lockridge
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Charles Lockridge
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Biographical sketch of Charles Richard Lockridge, or Charles Lockridge, organizer of the Commercial Bank and overseer of his father's estate, born in Kansas City in 1860. Description of his father, Thomas Lockridge, a prominent builder and lumberman coming to Kansas City in the early 1840s from Kentucky.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Whitney, Carrie Westlake
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Digital Collection(s)
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Page 670: "Thomas J. Lockridge in his early manhood [in the early 1840s] engaged in the sawmill and lumber business and thus utilized all of the walnut timber which originally grew here from [18th Street] south. He built the first hall in Kansas City at the corner of [5th] and Main street and it was the first building to be lighted by kerosene, candles having been used previous to that time."
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
q977.8411 W61
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