Brig. Gen. Oppenheimer--Corporate Combat Veteran: Between Wars This Tough Old Marine Has Built a Thriving Livestock Management Operation. ..
Title |
Brig. Gen. Oppenheimer--Corporate Combat Veteran: Between Wars This Tough Old Marine Has Built a Thriving Livestock Management Operation. ..
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Description |
Photos and biographical article about Brigadier General Henry Larry Oppenheimer, or Henry Oppenheimer, a 59-year-old "veteran of World War II, Korea and Vietnam, the CEO and chairman of the board of Oppenheimer Industries Inc.," a cattle management firm in the Kansas City area. Discussion on the poor condition of the cattle industry in the 1970s and description of his life and career, comparing management of cattle on ranches to soldiers in fields, etc.
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Pemberton, Kathy
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q330.9778 O948
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