Blow Your Mind! Come to Westport. ..Where People Are Trying to Understand People
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Blow Your Mind! Come to Westport. ..Where People Are Trying to Understand People
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Photos and article about the culture of Westport in the late 1960s, describing the area's unusual types of businesses (many antique stores, The Today shop, The Sign Coffeehouse, Pryde's Westport Inn, Motherlove Free Store, Creative Candles, etc.) and interaction of "the straights [ordinarily dressed people] and the freaks [hippies and other people of radical dress and acting]."
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: White, Susan
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Subject (local)
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Digital Collection(s)
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Kansas City Town Squire
Note(s) |
Page 12: "'The kids have caught some of the nostalgia of Westport'. ..Traces of those early days are found all over Westport, and are part of the indefinable atmostpher that makes Westport so special. ..When you take enough time to look at it, Westport contains some very important parts of Kansas City. Bounded by Penn Valley Park on the north, Troost on the west, UMKC on the south, and Brush Creek on te [sic] east, it houses the Nelson Gallery, Crown Center, Hospital Hill and Rockhurst College."
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Shelf Locator
q051 K159
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