Biographies Given at the Old Settlers Reunion, July 1872
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Biographies Given at the Old Settlers Reunion, July 1872
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Reprint from the Kansas City Times, July 7, 1872, page 2 with biographical descriptions of General Samuel Lucas (pictured) and Smallwood Noland, early Christian settlers of Independence, Missouri. Description of Lucas as a native of Kentucky moving to Old Franklin, Missouri and becoming a Santa Fe trader by 1827, moving to Independence by 1832 as a merchant, elected county clerk and recorder of deeds, and serving as a military general fighting the Osage Indians and Mormons in the 1830s before dying in 1868. Description of Noland as a native of Kentucky moving to Independence about 1826 as a farmer and tavern keeper of "Washington Hall [commonly called the Noland House]" dying in the mid-1800s.
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Missouri Mormon Frontier Foundation
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