The Beginning of the West: Annals of the Kansas Gateway to the American West, 1540-1854
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The Beginning of the West: Annals of the Kansas Gateway to the American West, 1540-1854
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Descriptions (with scholarly references) of early French explorations and camps in and around the Kansas City area back to the early 1700s. Description of "the Kansa village" at the mouth of the Kansas River as a camping point for Etienne de Bourgmont in 1723 and its depiction on a 1795 map of Antoine Soulard, with mention of nearby Fort Orleans (east of Kansas City in Carroll County, Missouri) and Fort Carondelet (south of Kansas City in Vernon County, Missouri).
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Barry, Louise
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Item Type
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Subject (local)
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
978.1 B28b
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Restriction on Access
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