Athlete Who Inspired ''The Blind Side'' Shares His Message of Hope
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Athlete Who Inspired ''The Blind Side'' Shares His Message of Hope
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Michael Oher, the Baltimore Ravens football player made famous in the movie "The Blind Side," was the keynote speaker at the 50th annual Greater Kansas City Area Mayors' Prayer Breakfast, March 2, 2011. "Oher discussed his inspiring life story in front of 1,700 people who gathered Wednesday for the 50th annual Mayor's Prayer Breakfast in the Bartle Hall Grand Ballroom. It was the largest gathering in the event's history and featured 39 mayors from the region, along with a large contingent of youth." Oher's book that he wrote, "I Beat the Odds," gives "others a roadmap for overcoming adversity."
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Creator: Horsley, Lynn
Creator: Keyser, Shane
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