Alexander Harris
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Alexander Harris
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Photo and bio of Alexander Harris (1820-1898), twice mayor of Kansas City in 1866 and in 1888, born "either in Kentucky or Tennessee" and keeping a saloon in Kansas City by the early 1850s "on Main Street between Commercial and the Levee," with "a residence at 4th and High Streets," later becoming mayor and then deputy sheriff and county judge, and in just before his second term as mayor, a "ticket agent for the Wyandot, Kansas City and Northwestern Railroad with offices at 531 Main Street, which later was at the Grand Avenue Depot."
Creator Name |
Creator Name
Creator: Green, George Fuller
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Item Type
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Subject (local)
Digital Collection(s) |
Digital Collection(s)
Related Item |
Related Item
A Condensed History of the Kansas City Area: Its Mayors and Some V. I. P.s
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Shelf Locator |
Shelf Locator
MVSC 920.0778 G79c
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